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Globally, the world is undergoing a digital transformation, and no matter how tragic the pandemic has been for the world, this digital acceleration shall also be a part of the COVID-19 legacy. The various degrees of lockdowns across the world have forced large organizations, SMBs, and even the banking sectors to go digital in order to keep the operations running efficiently, fulfill the demands of the customers, and offer better support.

Fintech companies have, undoubtedly, emerged as the shining armor amidst these chaotic times and the digital revolution has paved the way for the future of banking businesses. The Middle East, especially, UAE, has propelled tremendous growth in the fintech market, and already houses Eone-third of the total number of fintech startups in MNA region. The market penetration of online payments is on an all-time high and has reached 76%, showcasing tremendous digital growth potential in the future. The eCommerce revenue is also seeing a sharp spike, and is estimated to grow to a whopping US$ 28.5 billion by 2022 in the region. The pandemic has fueled the surge of digitization in the region, with the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) spearheading the promotion and encouragement of this digital drive in the Middle East.

However, be it the Middle East, North Africa, Asia, or any part of the world, at the helm of this digital drive remains the need for Automation and Continuous Quality Engineering. Not to be confused as standalone concepts, these are more of an integrated approach towards achieving digital transformation across any business looking to grow their digital wings.

Continuous Quality Engineering for Hyper Business Transformation

Simple quality assurance of the tools and software is no longer sufficient for the fast-changing digital businesses and the intelligent users of today. They need Continuous Integration (CI) of automation and more agile quality engineering solutions that are interwoven with the SDLC.

To ensure better customer experiences and greater satisfaction, AI-powered transformation has become the need of the hour not just for SaaS solutions but for hyper testing systems too. The previous approach towards Quality Assurance was based on testing applications and systems after and sometimes during the development stages. With the reduced time of development due to hyper-automation, it has become crucial to curtail the time required for testing. When businesses are looking to streamline and accelerate their digital transformation, Continuous Quality Engineering through hyper-testing seems like a viable solution to ensure a fast, consistent, and functional development of products.

Businesses need to design, build, and run automation first strategy to speed up their quality engineering and technology transformation. They have to create ways for continuous and automated testing in order to enable 100% software readiness as soon as the software development is over. When quality engineering works in-sync with extreme-automation, the release times can be shortened significantly and better products can be launched with complete confidence.

Quality at Speed with Extreme-Automation

Extreme-automation enables businesses to envision the interaction between the functions, processes, and KPIs and how it can all come together to drive value for the businesses. Deemed as an elite digital strategy for visionary businesses, extreme-automation offers a very high-speed route to engage not just business applications but everyone in the transformation of the businesses, providing with yet another advantage of developing a digital twin of the organization, i.e., DTO. DTO leverages the intelligence of Robotic Process Automation and Machine Learning to respond to value creation at high speed along with identifying new opportunities, all in real-time, at approximately 10,000 times faster than traditional processes.

Extreme-automation has to be incorporated early into the agile SDLC and must be ingrained within all the application layers and frameworks. It enables agile development with automated quality engineering and deployment.

Conclusion: Seek an expert app service provider to smoothly plan and execute the digital journey

Quality engineering coupled with agility is an integrated piece of the rapid digital transformation journey. Extreme automation requires accelerators for security, performance, compatibility, and usability. Automation drives faster releases, but there is a need for being defect-free and safe. With over two decades of experience in the banking domain and a commitment to provide fit-for-purpose quality engineering solutions, Maveric has been a pioneer in setting up leading-edge digital transformation journeys for organizations across the globe. The 95% QE automation protocol at Maveric deploys cognitive computing and predictive analytics for intelligent automation, evident in its AI platform, tools, accelerators, and matured frameworks. With us, you experience solutions engineered for blazing speed and scale, at a consistent quality. Contact us now to get superior customer experience across your digital channels and platforms, through continuous quality.

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Maveric Systems