Is effective Hyper-Personalization in Wealth Management eluding you?

If implementations and an assured ROI are your primary concerns, then an industry-leading CX Framework promises to change that.

With the rise of advanced analytics and digital capabilities, firms can now deliver real-time, personalized insights and meet clients’ increasing demand for tailored experiences.

Hyper-personalization is thus a critical imperative in today’s competitive market, but its implementation is fraught with challenges – from understanding client personas to tech requirements and data privacy.

Our unique industry-first framework helps address these challenges and provides a roadmap for delivering impactful client experiences through real-time personalization or product-persona-journey interventions.

Summary of the 8-stage CX Framework



Analyzing existing client data to understand investment behaviors, preferences, and the current journey.


Persona Identification

Segmenting clients into distinct personas based on shared preferences, goals, and behaviors.


Persona Prioritization

Applying the “Pointedness-Presence-Potential” key principle to prioritize personas based on volume, identifiability, and financial impact.


Current State Journey Mapping

Identifying client journey pain points and areas ripe for personalization enhancement.


Stage Prioritization

Using the “Success-Emotion-Effort” fundamental principle to prioritize crucial stages in the client journey.


Personalization Possibilities

Listing tailored interventions to enhance client experiences at specific touchpoints.


Future State Journey Mapping

Envisioning an optimized client journey post-personalization intervention.


ROI Quantification

Ensuring personalization strategies are impactful and economically sound.

Eight steps to delivering
the CX Framework.

Listen to the Full Podcast. 

The CX Framework identifies and prioritizes personalization possibilities based on the business impact and qualified ROI Potential. Implementing this framework may boost AUM per client by 30 – 40% in 6 – 8 months.