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“Employee listening is a fundamental expression of organisational care. The initial ring involves actively listening to personal and professional narratives. Yet, the true essence lies in the second ring, how organisations respond to insights gained through attentive listening,” says Krishnakumar Ramachandran, VP – HR, Maveric Systems

In modern workplaces, human resources has evolved beyond its traditional function, transforming into a strategic partner in fostering growth and ensuring the well-being of employees. The art of effective listening serves as the transformative factor shaping HR practices. This ensures that organisations adopt a personalised and profound approach to comprehending the evolving needs and aspirations of their associates. I assert that employee listening is more than a process—it’s a fundamental expression of organisational care. The initial ring involves actively listening to personal and professional narratives. Yet, the true essence lies in the second ring—how organisations respond to insights gained through attentive listening. 

Transformative Change in Employee Listening 

Traditionally, organisations relied on surveys, HR engagements and focus group discussions as the primary means of understanding employee sentiments. However, with the advent of technology, the landscape of employee listening is undergoing a profound transformation. The conventional methods, while valuable, often fall short of providing real-time insights, especially when individuals seek a more personalised and trusted avenue for expressing their thoughts.

From Traditional Approach to Tech-Driven Real-Time Insights

The traditional survey approach is giving way to more advanced technologies, with artificial intelligence (AI) enabled platforms leading the charge. Organisations need to adapt to a new paradigm where technology becomes an enabler to have meaningful employee engagement. Our recent experience in implementing AI-driven technology for employee listening across their organisational journey has provided us with a holistic understanding of their sentiments, aspirations and concerns. These insights enable us to proactively address feedback and prioritise individuals who require immediate attention. 

Technology as a Facilitator, Leadership as a Driver

The technological aspect is undeniably crucial, acting as the system that facilitates effective employee listening. However, the onus is equally on leadership to actively engage in this process. It is not merely about adopting advanced tools but emphasizing a cultural shift that values and prioritizes listening at every level of the organization.

360-degree view for Informed Actions

A 360-degree approach to listening, and incorporating feedback from employees, the marketplace, and customers allows us to understand the sentiments and ultimately make the workplace better. The transformation in employee listening is not just about collecting data; it’s about gaining insights that inform strategic actions. By embracing technology, organisations can now access the real essence of unfiltered information employees wish to communicate. This personalised approach enables leaders to tailor interventions that address specific needs, fostering a workplace culture that values and responds to individual voices.  

The Ripple Effect: Listening Beyond Boundaries

When employees feel heard, valued, respected they are more likely to be engaged, committed, and contribute meaningfully to the organisational goals. The impact of effective employee listening extends far beyond the realm of employee engagement. It creates a ripple effect on building a happy community and customer satisfaction. 

A Symphony of Employee Engagement

Employee listening is not a mere checkbox to be ticked; it is a strategic imperative that defines the success of an organisation in today’s dynamic world.  As we prioritise this fundamental aspect of care, we pave the way for a workplace where every individual feels valued and heard. However, the effectiveness of listening hinges on collective action. Listening not only enables systemic improvements but also connects the right talent to the systems and builds magic makers who shape a thriving and resilient organisational culture that stands the test of time. 

About the Author

Krishnakumar Ramachandran (KK) Heads the Human Resources function in Maveric. He is accountable for enhancing the overall associate experience and building a differentiated talent aligned with Maveric’s ways of working. In his role, he has been entrusted to design and execute impactful programs that help drive accelerated career growth, build a leadership pipeline, and tech-led HR process automation that will enable our growth aspirations of becoming one of the top three global Bank-Tech providers by 2025.

Article originally published in BW People

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Maveric Systems