After over a decade of sustained growth, global assets under management (AUM) fell to US$115.1 trillion in 2022 – nearly 10% below the 2021 high (US$127.5 trillion)


With monumental demographic shifts in preferences and asset strategy, what is your recovery strategy?

Enhance client experiences, boost
advisor productivity, and drive growth with our must-read report

Watch the full Podcast.

Inside This Report

Advisor Empowerment: How cutting-edge tools enhance client-advisor relationships, personalize service, and unlock advisor productivity.

Next-Gen Technology: Essential tech stacks, from open APIs and cloud computing to AI-driven insights, that fuel operational efficiency and innovation..

Strategic Success: Explore case studies of firms leading the digital charge and learn how M&A contributes to strategic growth.

    Why This Report Matters

    Navigate Uncertainty: Gain insights to make informed decisions for your business amidst market fluctuations.

    Future-Proof Your Practice: Identify the technologies that will define the future of wealth management.

    Unleash Competitive Advantage: Outpace the competition by delivering superior client experiences with tech-driven strategies.

      Key Takeaways

      Master Adviser Enablement

      Client expectations of digital service are skyrocketing. Meet them to increase the share of wallet and retention.

      Strengthen Tech foundations

      Apply data-driven advisory, fueled by real-time insights, that builds client trust and drives smarter portfolio decisions.

      Gain via Process Automation
      and Efficiencies

      Learn streamlined workflows free advisor time, enabling them to focus on high-value client interactions.

      Download the “Advancing Digital
      Transformation in Wealth Management” report for in-depth analysis and actionable strategies.

      Technology feeds wealth managers with the correct data and insights.

      Exceptional service delivery relies on using technology to free up adviser time. This, however, is only the tip of the iceberg!