Home > leadership > Devendra Kumar Sharma

A career technologist with an insatiable desire to drive greater value out of technology, Mr Sharma had a distinguished career at Citibank for nearly 3 decades, becoming the CIO for its
International Consumer Business division.  He was instrumental in the successful technology transformation of the bank’s consumer banking operations across Asia Pacific – an initiative that
ultimately drove Citi’s global strategy to deliver advanced capabilities while maintaining common processes world over.

He continues to be passionate about emerging and disruptive technologies. In addition to being the CEO of a speciality finance startup that uses analytics and data insights to enable
democratized access to affordable credit to eligible consumers, he is also on the board and advisory panel of a select set of fintech startups in the areas of Big Data, Conversational AI and
Digital Disruption.

A Director since 2017, Mr. Sharma provides Maveric with valuable insights that drive new service initiatives aligned to the needs of the financial services sector in an increasingly digital

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Maveric Systems