
The finance industry is on the brink of regulatory data transformation. With global regulators demanding data excellence, banks are under scrutiny to conform to stringent new data standards. The BCBS core principles for effective banking supervision and BCBS239 guidance have unequivocally raised data standards this quarter – assign explicit ownership for data definitions, ensure valid data validation processes, and maintain up-to-date data lineages.

In the face of these data science expectations, banking data leaders are propelled to strive towards zero-defect programs that their physical manufacturing counterparts pioneered. However, with massive data estates, the question looms large – how can senior managers both streamline expenses and satisfy these new requirements?

JWG and Maveric cordially invite Finance, Operations, Data, and Technology executives to an exclusive Chatham House rule roundtable to tackle this very conundrum. Engage in critical discourse, share industry approaches, and chart out effective strategies to traverse the evolving markets, technology infrastructures, and data sources.


A dialogue-centric roundtable dinner with 12 high-level stakeholders in New York City Mid Town. This intimate session will unfold within the principles of the Chatham House rule, ensuring an open, honest and productive exchange of insights.


  • Appetizer: Key regulatory data shifts and key themes
  • Entrée: Technology and data imperatives for 2024
  • Dessert: Optimizing the resourcing model and operational costs




PJ Di Giammarino CEO, JWG

PJ Di Giammarino